Tuesday 13 February 2007

Well here we go my first attempt at blogging,
My name is John, and I live with my new partner Val in Burry Port South Wales. I was brung up firstly in Welling before moving to Bexleyheath, and began my love for Charlton when I was five when my great late Dad took me along to the 'Valley'.
Since then I have travelled and met allot of fans of all denominations, sizes and dialects from being a member of Her Majesty's Khaki and Green Army. Unfortunately not being a great betting expert have also lost a considerable fortune betting with colleagues on the outcome of my beloved 'Charlton's prowess on the football field.
There was one common denominator in where ever I was posted in the Army a Sunderland supporter and it was with them I lost most of my hard earned money. So it was with great joy when I left the Army and joined the local Constabulary from my last posting near Telford and was posted to Hereford, no chance of a 'bloody' Sunderland supporter here 'WRONG' one of the sergeants on my shift was yes you have guessed it a Sunderland supporter. You could have knocked me down with with a chocolate truncheon my flabber was gasted.
Well that is my first instalment for now if i tell you all my adventures at once there Will be nothing else to write about so see you all soon please if you manage to find me leave a comment if only its 'P*** off.
Take care John